Overview Online Admission Management System by VidyaWell is an excellent admission solution made for schools, which simplifies all the operations involved in the admission processes like managing inquiries, applications, enrolments, registrations, and payments. The smart intelligence mechanism of Vidyawell’s admission management software eases the selection process of the school where schools have to select a few students from a large number of applicants. Features of Admission Management System Maintain a navigable record of all currently enrolled as well as past students. Register new students to the online record just with a matter of clicks. Let registered applicants login online and track their admission application status. Release list of selected applicants online. A completely customizable student registration form. Keep record of all admission enquiries from school visitors. View report of growth in admission enquiries. Monitor community’s rising interest in your school. Create admission forms with the desired format and details. Define the pricing of the admission forms. Establish a record of all the issued admission forms that were sold out. Receive filled admission forms and maintain a record of all received applications. Create admission interview slots for the shortlisted students and notify them. Other Modules Fees Management Student Record Management Exam Results Management Library Management Communication & Notifications Payroll Manager Transport Manager Timetable Manager Budget Management Purchase Management Stock Management Finance Management Procurement Management Maintenance & Asset Management