Overview Now easily manage your school’s timetable in real-time right from VidyaWell’s admin panel. Send notifications about the timetable changes to the teachers and manage your institution more efficiently. Let VidyaWell’s timetable manager ease your school personnel of burdensome responsibilities. Features of Timetable Manager Create class-wise timetables in just a matter of clicks. Group the teaching periods under different classes. Arrange teaching periods back and forth within a timetable easily. Assign a teacher to another class when the teacher of that class is absent. Send automated notifications to teachers about change in teaching shifts. Define timetable rules such as specifying a limit on the number of same consecutive periods. View timetable summaries that view elaborated teaching schedule of all the teachers and classes. View teacher-wise and class-wise timetable reports. Other Modules Admissions Management Fees Management Student Record Management Exam Results Management Library Management Communication & Notifications Payroll Manager Transport Manager Budget Management Purchase Management Stock Management Finance Management Procurement Management Maintenance & Asset Management